Call of Ancients

Call of Ancients is a CCG that Mos discovered in a fantasy world full of epic adventures. After arriving on Earth, the cards resonated with and were assimilated by the Terra, multiplying and recording world memories in the process. Players can build their own decks by collecting cards or lost pages during Terra purifying.

To help players become familiar with the different rules of the game, they can play against bots. As the game updates, more rules and cards will be unlocked, and a richer tactical system will be formed.

Players can compete with other online players in card battles and climb the ladder ranking. At the end of each season, players with the highest ranking will receive rewards including $ART, high-rarity cards, $ARG, and rare game props.

As the game continues to iterate, card skills will be awakened, and the game will become even more exciting and challenging. Stay tuned for more updates on Call of Ancients and other exciting features in the world of Yuliverse.

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