Sanity System

In Yuliverse, Terra purification requires players to move in the real world to find Terra and approach it to start the purification process. Terra purifying consumes a Yuli's spiritual power and requires a certain level of sanity to initiate. A Yuli's mental state can also affect the effect and benefits of purifying Terra.

During Terra purifying, both shields and sanity will be consumed. If a Yuli's sanity falls below a certain level, it will affect the income of vein purification. If the sanity before purification is less than 50% but more than or equal to 20% of the maximum value, the income will be reduced to 50% of the original income. If the sanity falls below 20% but more than or equal to 10% of the maximum value, the income will be reduced to 20% of the original income. If the sanity falls below 10% of the maximum value, the Yuli will not be able to purify Terra anymore.

If all shields are used during the purification process, the player can still purify Terra, but they will not be able to receive all attribute buffs, including but not limited to the Yuli's own attributes and chip attributes. In addition, the consumption of sanity will be double the basic consumption rate.

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